Blogs from experts

Unleash the power of Creativity : Tips on creative writing for students

Unleash the power of Creativity : Tips on creative writing for students

Creative writing is a valuable skill for students and helps them immensely  during their academic journey.  Whether they want to become professional writers or simply want to improve their communication skills, fostering creativity is always beneficial for students. Here are a few important pointers that can help students improve their writing and unleash their creativity:

The Mysterious world of Phrasal Verbs

The Mysterious world of Phrasal Verbs

Language is a complex and ever-evolving entity. English too has its own idiosyncrasies. One such language phenomenon that perplexes the non-native English speakers is phrasal verbs. So, let’s explore this today and delve into the deep and mysterious world of Phrasal verbs in the English language.

How to study English Literature

How to study English Literature

English literature has the power to enchant, inspire, and transform us. As high school students, embarking on a journey through the rich and diverse realm of literature requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for studying English literature, tailored specifically for high school students.