Our open day for 11 Plus aspirants and their parents has a 360 degree structure.
We have a diagnostic test which a student can sit for. While the diagnostic test is happening, we have small presentation about 11 Plus process, schools, exam styles, preparation requirements and learning process.
We also present our teaching methods, showcase our academic resources and support system and try to answer any questions you may have regarding 11 Plus journey.
in 24 hours , you will get the results for diagnostic test your child would have taken on open day and later you can book an appointment with us to discuss the results on one to one basis and have an opportunity to ask more questions specific to you and your child’s situation.
The open day for 11 Plus is a good opportunity for you to explore the options and get answers to most of your queries.
Book now for an available date!
All slots are fully booked. Please contact Champs Learning Office for future dates.