11 plus - classroom or eLearning?

11 plus - classroom or eLearning?

There has been always a debate about the effectiveness of classroom and eLearning. We can not say which one is more effective across all age groups. But certainly few strong parameters influence the effectiveness at some age groups.

Classroom offers real time interaction with an instructor and eLearning allows learning at one's own pace in a flexible manner! In such a case, how can you decide which method you need to adopt for effectively and efficiently impart knowledge and skills to learners?

These are a few points that can help you to see both classroom and eLearning more closely so that you choose accordingly in context of your requirement.



Live learning increases engagement by adding a human element. It is especially beneficial for learners who are not so self-sufficient or who are used to the traditional 'teacher and class' model of education.

Whereas elearners have to depend on electronic media to interact with the course in eLearning. There is always somebody in a classroom to motive and assess the performance of learners in a classroom, whereas learners are required to be self-driven and a bit self-disciplined to really benefit from an eLearning course.

If we look at the age group of 11 plus aspirants, they are of age 10-11. This age is not a age of maturity to understand self-study, self-planning and self-analysis. For this age group, classroom teaching becomes more important as they need the guiding light on what to do and what they are doing correctly.


Learning requirement

When it comes to only providing information with respect to make learners understand the concepts better, eLearning is definitely a better choice in comparison to classroom training. Presenting huge information in classroom to teach basics of any subject in today's fast paced working environments cannot be said as a preferable choice, when you can easily leverage the benefit of eLearning in the form of eBooks, online manuals, Online handbooks, audio and training videos to transmit huge information. In addition, for communicating about values and vision throughout an organization or training people on change management, eLearning can be very effective. It can also ensure a consistent learning experience for learners.

For 11 plus, you don't need huge amount of information. One needs to acquire specific subject knowledge in correct manner and to learn to apply the same for better accuracy. As it is not repetitive knowledge but repetitive practice and mentoring, classroom learning proves to be better for 11 plus.


Learners psychological needs

This is a very important factor on a learner's success. At the age of 11 plus aspirant, students feel stressed, nervous and tense due to exam pressure. The human element from the physical teacher who actually becomes their mentor, plays a huge role in a student's attitude and positive efforts towards the exam.

In classroom setting, teacher interacts with students on a regular basis and can observe the factors which are proving difficult for a student's learning and success. This can be incorporated in their learning modules.

Both classroom and eLearning methodologies are here to empower learners with knowledge and skills. Both have their advantages and limitations. It depends on one's requirement and approach towards learning.

But for the age group of 11 plus, classroom teaching has an edge to most of the students.
